Cody trying to get Cami to tell him what she wants for her b-day!
Today Cameron is 10! All adoptions are special but Cameron's has a special twist. Her adoption was because of the prayers of her sister Jordan. Have faith like a child and see what happens!
I had 'aged out" of the Korean program and as much as we wanted a baby sister for Jordan from S. Korea the odds were against us. But we serve a big God and Jordan believed! She asked Him for a sister and because she had the faith we were blessed with Cameron. A little girl who they thought may not sit up, walk, talk or do a lot of things. But this little one came here with attitude and still rocks our world everyday! She is is off the scale in everything! Again I know somewhere is a woman remembering this day whose heart is torn. She loved Cameron and because of that love wanted her to have the life she could not give her. And as I said with Jordan, my hope & prayer for her is to know that her family loves her and will always be there for her.
Happy Birthday Soo Hee! We love you!
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