Kennedy and her new haircut. She is such a cutie pie!
I have a lot of blogger friends who have "special" days on their blogs. I have decided to start "Fantastic Fridays!" It is coming to the end of the week and I thought it would a nice time to reflect back on the week and share praises that God has blessed us with. Sometimes we are so focused on the things not going well in our lives that we forget to look for even the smallest blessings.
This week God has blessed be in lots of ways. I was blessed to watch a friend and her family take a huge leap of faith! Several fellow bloggers have children in the hospital and they are healing from surgeries. I had a great week at work! My family is healthy. I feel God has been whispering to me all week about certain things and it has given me such peace.
God gave me another day!
Take a look back at your week and even if it wasn't the best week I bet if you look you will be able to find at least one blessing!
Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. 1 Thessalonians 5:11
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