After growing up in a not so nice environment, I planned on being a lawyer and a photographer. I would fight for women and children who were in abusive situations. As for the photography? Well, I didn't plan on making a lot of money as a lawyer, it's true! I would work for those who needed me for free if I had too! photography would be great and that is how I would make a living. I wanted a couple of kids. A boy and a girl, maybe more. But that is not how my life turned out.
Like my friend, I am not into crafts or the Wiggles or Sesame Street, I do not desire to sit around with other moms and visit while our children play loudly in a germ infested McDonald's play pit and though I love kids I was not comfortable at all whenever I served in the children's area at our church.
But God had a different plan for my life...thankfully.
He blessed me with a wonderful husband and three awesome sons. I thought my life was complete. Little did I know that adoption would be part of my life. But at the age of 40 we adopted our oldest daughter and four years later we adopted another beautiful daughter and 2 1/2 years ago when I thought we were through and enjoying our grandchildren God blessed us once again with our youngest daughter!
People will say "you guys are so amazing" or "your daughters are so lucky!" For the record..we are not amazing, but we do serve an amazing God! Our daughters are not lucky, we are blessed that God chose us to be their parents!
I saw an ad that said "Have the courage to adopt" Have the courage to love." It didn't take courage to adopt or love our daughters. It took God speaking to our hearts and my husband and I taking a step of faith. plain and simple.
Adoption is a gift from God. After all, He adopted us! There are so many wonderful children in the world that need a family. Big ones, little ones, white, brown, black ones, healthy ones sick ones, older ones and younger ones. They just want what we all want, love and a family.
Now we were not all called to adopt, but we were all called to take care of the widows and orphans. If you are one that wasn't called to adopt you can make a huge difference by donating money to Hug Away or any non profit that helps with adoption and humanitarian aid. Get the word out to your community about adoption. Hug Away has people who will come speak to your church or organization. Pray.
God put us on this earth to serve. He ask all Christians to love one another.
Please pray how you can make a difference.
Kennedy and Amiya crashed on the couch.
Kennedy having fun at the park
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May God bless you!
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