Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Little boys and baseball

For probably two years my grandson has been wanting to play baseball, that is all he talks about. His jersey had to be #3 (something between him & grandpa) and he had to use his special bat grandpa got him, but he didn't want to scratch it up! Monday night he played his first game. I thought my heart would beat out of my chest! He was so excited we were there to watch him. He lives about 25 miles away, so it is a little bit of a drive but so worth it. My boys played baseball and those are some of my best memories. There is just something about boys and baseball. You look out there and you know they are fantasizing that they are in the major leagues and at this age 4,5 & 6 they are chasing bugs, sitting down, running the wrong way. Just being little boys having fun.
The first game he played great, but I knew we were in trouble when the other team is dressed like professionals players. I mean all out! Matching cleats, helmets, bat bags and the coaches, three of them all dressed alike and you know they were fantasizing that they were coaching a professional team!
This is t-ball! My little guy and his team had their t-shirts and baseball pants, plus three little girls, with pink helmets. I will tell you right now there is no way the other team would let a girl play on their team. It would have messed up there professional colors! :)
Our team got thumped, but they had such a good time.
Here's to little boys and baseball! Go Bat Busters # 3.

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