Monday, October 27, 2008

Hard call to make

Looks like I will not be going to the ball. It wasn't an easy call to make. It all comes down to the fact that I can't say goodbye to Dustin twice. Dustin deploys in February. When he comes home on leave December 22nd he will be home until January 11th (my birthday.) When he leaves that day I will say good bye to him for a very long time. It will be the hardest day of my life. There is no way I can turn around ten days later and say good bye again. I kept going back and forth because on one hand I could see him one more time before he is deployed but another good bye? My heart couldn't take it.
When he called tonight he was in total agreement. He said he had thought the same thing the other night. But as always my sweet boy says just the right thing. He said "mama, there will be another ball at the end of next year. We can make plans too attend that one and instead of good bye we will say hello!" Here is a very quick video of Dustin when he came home Labor Day. I think his sisters love him just a little bit. Remember Dustin we have a date! Love you baby boy!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Riverwalk Community Church

Answering some great questions
Yes, I let Mike talk! He is pretty good at it.

Today Mike and I were invited to share attheRiverwalk Community Church in Glenpool. They were doing a series on "Heroes" for the month of October. We do not see our self as hero's but what an honor it was to go and share about Hug Away. I hope they were blessed with what we shared, I know we were blessed by them! They are not a big church, they are just starting out so they have a small congregation, but what a wonderful blessing they were! Gary Davis the pastor gave a wonderful sermon on adoption and that is all he focused on. He interviewed us and asked wonderful questions and then we answered questions from the congregation. They kept us on our toes!
If you live in the Glenpool, Jenks, Sapulpa, South Tulsa area check them out. You will not be sorry. They are what I think of as a simple church. They welcome you, make you feel right at home, share from the heart and look for ministries to serve. You will be blessed. You can go to for more information.
It is nice to go out of your "comfort zone" once in while, visit other churches and hear what they have to say. After the last couple of weeks I needed this day. It reminded me that God called me to do this. Yes, there are days I get down and think what is the point? Then God in His perfect timing always has something too remind me that Hug Away is His, not mine and He called me to do this for Him.
Thank you Riverwalk Community Church and Pastor Gary Davis. You are awesome!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Putting things in perspective

After my last post it made me realize for over a year in the back of my mind this "thing" has consumed me. So I decided to move on. People are going to think what they like, past judgement, draw their own conclusions, that is their deal not mine. As long as I can wake up in the morning and know God is pleased with me then I am ok. That doesn't happen every morning but it is nice when it does.
I work partime for an optometrist. Today a man came in and asked if we accepted walk ins, I said yes and gave him a form to fill out. He was a tall guy in his early 50's a native american, very stoic. He said he hoped I could read his writing because is hand kind of shakes. I took him back to pre test him and he told me his story. One month ago today he had been told he had 24 hours to live if he did not have a liver transplant. He was 1,211 on the list. His doctor came in a few hours later and said they had a liver. One month later and a weight loss of 120 pounds he was sitting there telling me his story. I just looked at him in awe. I said "you know it wasn't' your time to go, God must have big plans for you." He looked at me and said " yeah I know, I can't wait to find out what it is." I said "maybe you are suppose to share your story and let people know that miracles still happen and give them hope." He just smiled and said "yeah maybe." He not only inspired me but in him I saw hope.
Shortly after that a 4 year old boy came in with his foster mother. He was a doll with a personality as bright as the sun. But he was in foster care because he had been neglected and abused. I watched his foster mother as she interacted with him. I think she is in love.
Last night I spoke to my son Dustin. He will not be home for Thanksgiving because he will be in the field for a month preparing for his deployment. He will be home Dec 22nd and then leave on my birthday January 11th. He will deploy in February. Before he is deployed we will have to go over the "paper work" just in case. I will have one more chance to see my son at the Marine Corp Ball and after that I have no clue.
As I sit here in my nice comfortable home, there are babies being thrown away, children being kidnapped for sex, children digging in dumpsters for food, children taking care of children, orphans trying to survive in a world that often forgets about them, young men and women who went straight from high school to the horrors of war dying to defend our country.

Yeah, that pretty much puts everything in perspective.

Monday, October 20, 2008

My side of the story

One of the reasons I started a blog was so friends and family could follow our journey to adopt our daughter Kennedy. After she was home for a while I still wanted to blog. I realized how blessed I am and yet as a christian my life has it's ups and downs. Yes it is true just because you are a christian doesn't mean your life is perfect, being a christian gives you power on how to handle the ups and downs. I wanted my blog to be real and honest.
Most people who read my blog will have no idea what I am talking about, but there are many who will.
I have heard some rumors about myself and some friends and as for my part in this story I just want to set the record straight. If you feel the same way after you read this that is fine, I just want to make sure everyone has the facts.
A little over a year ago I left a job I loved very much. Not only did I love my job, but I loved the people I worked with. You can't ask for more than that. Sure it had it's up and downs but what job doesn't? I left my job, because I felt for whatever reason my job was phased out. It was like the elephant in the room that no one spoke of. No one had to say anything it was pretty obvious too myself and a few others that for what ever reasons I was not needed anymore. So I took the high road and I used my foundation as the reason to leave. Deep down I was hoping this was all part of Gods plan and that is what I was supposed too do. But deep down I couldn't figure out what was going on. The same thing had happened to my friend a few months before. We both loved our job and were passionate about it but for what ever reason we were not needed or wanted anymore. I was so confused and hurt. We had just adopted a beautiful little girl and financially me leaving the job hurt us and we are still trying to play catch up. I focused on Hug Away went to work partime and put my trust in God. But oh I missed my old job and my co-workers. They had been such a huge part of my life for so long.
The foundation was going well. My friend took her gifts and passion and used them to start a business. Two friends who had done a lot of volunteer work for us and a lot of other people contacted me and my friend asking us if we would like to start doing the same thing we did at our old job. We said yes!
In our hearts all we wanted to do was use our gifts and passions again. We never thought of ourselves as anything but adoptive moms, with beautiful children adopted from other countries wanting to make a difference. It sure wasn't about money or kudos, it was just about our children, these precious babes from different parts of the world, the ones God had entrusted too us. It was and will always be our responsibility too do everything we can for them.
What we didn't plan on was that this would upset others, making them mad at us, talking about us and thinking whatever else they were thinking. Personally I am always happy when my family or friends are happy. I have no ill will towards anyone. As a matter of fact I still recommend where I use to work to anyone who ask me about it.
Even if I don't understand how things got to this point, a piece of my heart will always be where I use to work. When I look at pictures of my daughter when she was in Vietnam with the two people who helped bring us together I cry. God used them to bring us our daughter and I will never forget that and it will always be one of the most important parts of her story.
I would hope that people would understand that when God calls you to do something you have to take that step of faith and do it. It doesn't mean you are in competition or out to destroy anyone, you are just being faithful and using your gifts. I would expect no less from anyone else. I believe God gave each of us gifts and there are enough people in this world for all of us too bless.
For me personally I can't work where I use to so God has opened doors for me and my friends to use our gifts somewhere else. I hope everyone will just realize that and respect it, just like I respect them.

There is so much more I want to say, but I am tired and need to go too bed. I will pray tonight for hearts to heal, friends to stay friends and lift each other up and for all of us to realize that our focus should be on Gods desire for our lives and not each other.

I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength. Phillippians 4:12-13

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Fall Blessings!

The week began with a wonderful concert with
the middle school and high school combined
orchestra. They were fantastic. Little did Jordan know she was getting ready to have a rotten Fall break.

Getting last minute instructions

Listening to the high school play

Off we go to the pumpkin patch Choosing the perfect pumpkin is not easy!

The end of a great day!

There is nothing like fall and going to the pumpkn patch. We love taking the kids and grandkids. It was a perfect day. The only one missing was Jordan who has had a cold the whole time she was on Fall break. At least she was ok for the concert.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Going to a Ball!

I have a date with a handsome young Marine, January 22nd to the Marine Corp Ball! Actually two dates, my husband gets to go also. I am so excited! It will be held in Las Vegas and of course it is very formal. I will take lots of pictures and Kleenex! I cry whenever I watch those Marine Corp commericals so I know the dam will break when I am in a room full of them.
I have lost some weight for health reasons and now I am more determined to lose some more.
I already know what dress I want. I am going to be Cinderella for a night! Except for the fact I don't have blonde hair, blue eyes a size 3 waist and birds talking to me!
Friday when Mike was at the airport too meet Dustin he was saying good bye to our other son Cody who was going to Tuscon to visit our other son Michael, Cody and Dustin missed seeing each other. Today Cody and Dustin met at the DFW airport in between flights! I wish they would all just land! :) It gets harder and harder to say good bye to Dustin. He will probably be home for Christmas. Hopefully for a month. But after that he leaves for Iraq or Afghanastan. :(
If you read the post below and notice some of it missing, it is because God laid on my heart to remove it. So I always make it a point to listen to Him.

Saturday, October 11, 2008


This is a picture on the side of the hospital where Jordan was born in S. Korea. I am always humbled when I think of Jesus, who died on the cross for all of our sins, washing feet. He wants us to be a servant. In other words help those in need, with the gifts He gave us. We all have gifts and passions. It is up to us to discover them. Just wanted you too know.

Who comes walking in the door bright and early Friday morning? Dustin! I knew he was coming home, but he almost didn't make it. My husband works for an airline, which Dustin chose to buy tickets on instead of flying stand by. Well the military schedule doesn't always work out with any ones plans. So Dustin calls us Thursday evening and says he is not going to be able to make the flight out and could we call and get him on a later flight. After a long time on the phone, sure we can for another $300! Are you kidding me?! These men and women have volunteered to fight for us and you can't just change the tickets for them? Ahh... Greed in America. Oh trust me you do not even want me to go there. I am sick of selfish, greedy,arrogant, corporate America. $300!!!! GRRRRRRR!!!!!! So he ate that part of the ticket and will use the other half to get back to the base on Monday. May I just give a plug for Southwest (no my husband doesn't work for them) they treat our military very well! Dustin has used them in the past and they always treated him great. Ok I got too vent, moving on.

Friday, October 3, 2008

About the Video

I have had some people ask me about the video. A couple of years ago when I first heard the song I knew instantly I would use it on our adoption video. We have been celebrating Adoption Month at our church for about 6 years. About every other year we put together a video. I called my friend Macy, who is 16 and adopted from S. Korea and told her what I wanted and she made it happen! I have had many, many people come up to me telling me how much the video touched their hearts. I think it helps when you see people you know, how lives were changed and blessed!