Hug Away is hanging on by a prayer, literally. It has two faithful monthly donors. 2 people who believe enough in Hug Away to give every month. I am so grateful for them. They are like my cheerleaders! But the fact is Hug Away will not survive if I don't find a way to generate more faithful donors. We have our fundraisers, but you can only have a couple of those a year because of the time it takes planning and they generate a one time income. I am so grateful for that one time but the fact is after we issue a couple of grants it is gone.
It breaks my heart to think that Hug Away may not survive and I will do everything I can not to let that happen. So I am asking for your help. Yes, money would be nice, but I also need suggestions. If you have not been to our website let me tell you what we do.
1. Offer grants to families who have been led to adopt.
2. Mentor adoptive families
3. Educate the community about adoption & orphans. We will got speak at your church, small group, business...anywhere!
4. Offer hope and love to orphans who will not be adopted.
Some other needs we have:
1.Someone who will faithfully keep our website updated. I have no clue how to get the grant letter downloaded and a whole bunch of other stuff I would love to do. I am not real savvy with wordpress.
2.God to open the way if it is His will for me to go to Ethiopia in October. This is a huge request both financially and for obstacles that stand in my way to be removed.
I am so passionate about these things and I want this foundation to make a difference in the lives of others. So....if you would like to donate go to
We always ask and are so grateful for your prayers :)
Thanks for listening!
Why I do what I do
Being very uncooperative! ;)
Cameron (hmm...)
Jordan and her BFF from camp
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