Tuesday, April 9, 2013


After my last post about marriage I received a lot of private emails agreeing with what I said and I was also asked a few questions. Like what happened? What happened doesn't matter. What matters is my husband and I had choices to make. We chose to fight the good fight together...like we always have.  What doesn't destroy you makes you stronger. We are stronger!
Satan sends many things to destroy marriages. Alcohol, pornography, drugs, women, men, work, hobbies, money. The list goes on and on. All of these things are Satan's tools to seek and destroy. But as Christians we know that marriage is a covenant between a man and a woman. A plan God Himself designed. A Holy union. And if God is for us then who can stand against us? The answer? No one...absolutely no one! 
Those things listed above may win the battle for a little while but love and I am not talking the first two years your married " in love" I am talking agape love that comes only through Jesus Christ, that love will always win. That is a promise. 
It's all about choices my friends. All of us will make bad choices at one time or another, that's a given. What is important is what we choose to learn from those bad choices.
You shouldn't forget the past but never focus on it. Move forward with confidence and faith. I have learned love is a choice. We choose to love through the hurts,the tears and the doubt. That is true love!

Love is not something you feel. It's something you do.
~David Wilkerson 

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