Wednesday, September 26, 2012


When my husband and I decided it was time for me to leave my job so I could focus more on our family and foundation we knew we were taking a HUGE step of faith. Yes, this step was much bigger than a mustard seed. But we had no doubt that this is were to do. Yes siree, we were ready!
It has now been 2 weeks and I have a feeling of panic because now reality has hit. There is no paycheck for me. There has been a little bit of strain between me and hubby because his work decided at this time to put him on a new shift for a couple of weeks 12 on 12 off. This means he works comes home sleep and works again. This stinks for so many reasons. The main thing is no family time. And it stinks that I don't have my best friend around to talk to about these panicky feelings I have. I am feeling a little overwhelmed with all these changes. It is so easy when you first take that step of faith. Mustard seed? I laugh at the thought of a mere mustard seed! How about a mountain! Then reality hits...gulp. Now how faithful are we? Are we willing to persevere? Fight the good fight? Trust Him? Do what He has called us to do?
I woke up this morning in a mood. Not bad but not good. What is the word I am looking for? Oh yeah, PANICKY!!! This is not me at all and I don't likey!
I am taking a bible study by Priscilla Shirer called "Discerning the Voice of God." This is my second time to take this study. I love it! She talks about the different ways God speaks to us and what we need to do to hear Him. A couple of the way Gods will speak to us is through His word and through others. 
I have this app on my phone that gives me a scripture to read each day. This mornings was one of my very favorites and one I needed! Hebrews.11:1 Faith is confidence that what we hope for will actually happen: it gives us assurance abut things we cannot see.
This would be my first God whisper for the day. He reminded me with His word that He has my back no matter what the circumstances are. But I have to keep the least the size of a that precious little mustard seed :)
It is very cloudy out today and I hear thunder to the north.Rain is on it's way.  As I took my baby girl to school this morning she said "mommy look a rainbow!" With all the dark clouds, light rain and thunder there before us was not just a rainbow but a double rainbow! My sweet girl just smiled and that made it even better! I said one word "Hope" and she said " that's a reminder of Gods promise to us. Bye mommy! I love you! have a good day! Oh, I will sweet girl.
 He reminded me through that beautiful double rainbow and my daughters reminder that He made a promise that will never be broken. Second God whisper.
I am so thankful for the fact that even when we are struggling, doubting, panicking that our amazing God will find a way to remind us that He will never leave us or forsake us. We just need to be aware. So instead of going around with a panic feeling I now have the amazing feeling of faith, hope and a promise! It will be a good day no matter what comes my way.

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