Wednesday, February 24, 2010

They will know

I can't believe it has been so long since I have blogged! I know most of you can relate that sometimes life just gets busy! Two weeks go by and you realize you haven't done some of the things you enjoy, like blogging!
I don't blog just to blog. I write what is in my heart. I have journaled for years and there is something so therapeutic about seeing your thoughts on paper or in this case on a blog.
I know that someday when I am gone my children will know who there momma was. Not just a person who took care of boo boos, cleaned house, did their laundry, sat up with them for late night chats or drove them wherever they needed to go. They will will "KNOW" their momma.
They will read my stories and they will know my thoughts, feelings and how I dealt with them...good or bad. They will know my heart and how much I love their dad.They will know that God brought our two hearts together and made it one. We had the odds against us but because of our love for one another and belief in God, marriage and family we made it. They will know that I could be having the worse day ever and all I had to do was close my eyes and see each of their faces and my day would get better. And my love for each of them gave me so much joy I can't even describe it!
They will know how very much I loved Jesus and that from the moment I accepted Him in my heart my desire was to please Him. And that even when I failed miserably in my walk with Him, I knew He was there to keep me going.
And that is why I journal. Words are said and sometimes forgotten, but when put to paper we can pull them out and read them when ever we want to remember.

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