Tuesday, February 21, 2012

She Turns 13 Today!

I call her my miracle baby. With her permission I posted her story last year on her birthday. It really is a remarkable story. Cameron  was never suppose to walk or talk, let alone jump! We fell in love with her the moment we saw her video and knew without a doubt she was our daughter. Today she turned 13 years old. She is beautiful, smart and funny. She has a servants heart, she loves music and has a beautiful voice. I love to hear her sing. I tell her "you were my special needs baby. I specially needed you!" Thank you God for our Cami Moon. What a sweet blessing she is to her family! We love you precious girl!

Yeah, she's all that!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

17 Years Ago Today

17 years ago today my daughter Jordan was born. I was sitting in Broken Arrow, Ok getting more impatient each day as the adoption process seemed to go on and on. And as I sat waiting thinking only about myself and when would my baby girl come home a young woman in S. Korea was making a heart wrenching decision.  She chose to make an adoption plan for her precious little one. And 3months and 28 days later I was holding my baby girl in my arms.
If I could meet Jordan’s birthmother I would tell her thank you. I would hug her and touch her face and let her know that she is never far from our thoughts or hearts. I would look at her and see if Jordan looked like her. I would want to ask her so many questions! Are you quiet and shy? Jordan is. Are you and old soul? Jordan is. Do you have a great sense of humor that comes out of nowhere? Jordan does. Do you love ice cream? Jordan does!
I would tell how smart and how beautiful Jordan is, inside and out. That she loves Jesus with all her heart and she loves going on mission trips and helping those that God has asked us to help. I would tell her that this daughter that she gave life to has been pure joy to our family and is loved very much.
Today Jordan a little girl, who came into my life at the tender age of 3 months and 28 days, turns 17. I am so blessed that God chose me to be her Oma.
Happy Birthday Sweet Girl! You are loved!
Jordan with her foster mother

Saturday, February 4, 2012

The Heart of a Servant

In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive. Acts 20:35

A Servant of God doesn't ask "how long will this take?" "How much will this cost?" They just do it!

What do you call six men who take vacation days then cook 200 baby back ribs all day,on into the night and all the next day to raise money for your ministry? You call them friend. And you call yourself grateful. The guys in these pictures are so much more than friends. They are my brothers in Christ. Because of their servants heart, they raised a lot of money for Hug Away. They didn't have to do it. They did it because they wanted to. They desired to make a difference in the lives of children who have no voice in this world. And each one of them, at the end of two very long days still had smiles and and said they can't wait for next year!

Preparing the ribs for the grills!
6 Traegers produced 200 baby back ribs! (They even made biscuits on them!)
6:00 am the next morning after cooking all night.
Ribs, ribs and more ribs!
 These men have wives who sacrifice time with their husbands so they can do this. These women are also my friends and they  volunteer their time to help raise funds for our ministry. Every weekend in January and February we run concessions for our our churches sports ministry to raise money. I couldn't do it by myself. I am blessed with amazing friends who give up their weekend to give of their time, to help "the least of these."
Then there is my amazing family. Trust me, when God calls you to a ministry, your family pretty much has to be for it or against it. I couldn't have asked for a more supportive amazing family. They give up a lot to support this ministry and do so with lots of love.
Thank you Mike, Mikey, Dustin, Jordan, Cameron, Todd, Dayna, Mr. Ed, Mike, Natalie, Jason, Kim, Kevin, Kim, Quincy, Johanna, Chris, Tracy,Steve, Lori, Sandra, Tiertia, Don, Pam, Fred, Marilyn, Shelia and Adrienne. May God bless you for your faithfulness.

"A friend is someone who reaches out for your hand...and touches your heart."